Cyber Essentials can help your organisation in many ways

Reassure customers that you take cyber security seriously.

Certification gives you peace of mind that your defences will protect against the vast majority of common cyber attacks.

Attract new business with the assurance that you have cyber security measures in place
Cyber essentials will

Reassure customers that you are working to secure your IT against cyber attack.

Attract new business with the promise you have cyber security measures in place.

Give a clear picture of your organisation's cyber security level.

Grow business as some Government contracts require Cyber Essentials certification.

Cyber Essentials & cyber essentials plus
Certification gives you peace of mind that your defences will protect against the vast majority of common cyber attacks simply because these attacks are looking for targets which do not have the Cyber Essentials technical controls in place.
Cyber Essentials Plus still has the Cyber Essentials trademark simplicity of approach, and the protections you need to put in place are the same, but for Cyber Essentials Plus a hands-on technical verification is carried out.